Your Local Interior Millwork Provider.
Get complete on-the-job measurements, with free estimates, custom designs, and fast delivery. This is why some of the top contractors and builders in the South-East and Mid-West have chosen to partner with WHI. At WHI, we seek to maximize excellent service with quality custom hardwood products.
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Service That Works For You.
Stock & Custom Orders
As the market demands more from its suppliers, we have met those demands by stocking a comprehensive selection of interior products, while continuing to uphold a high level of detailed custom craftsmanship.
Product Design & Creation
“If you can dream it, we can create it.” Very rarely has a job been too large or complex for WHI not to design, quote, and create with exceptional quality and detail. Give our design team and wood craftsmen a try today.
Product Matching & Knife Tooling
Custom builders and remodelers often request WHI to match existing casings, bases, crowns, chair rails, specialty trims, doors, etc. With thirty-five years of experience, product matching has now become a common part of our business.
Optimal Turnaround & Expert Delivery
Customers want their product to be delivered swiftly and on time. Our customer service and shipping departments work side by side making sure orders are processed immediately, and fulfilled in an optimal time frame.
When you see the WHI logo rest assured your product is made with quality craftsmanship.